Securing your future, navigating your path

Hultgren Law

Experience, guidance, results

Hultgren Law is an immigration law firm dedicated to providing guidance and representation to individual clients in Minnesota and throughout the United States.

Areas of Practice


Becoming a US citizen is a monumental step and often the end goal for immigrants to the United States. If you have permanent residency, seeking naturalization is your next step.

Under the law, family member who already have residency or are US citizens can pursue residency for a loved one such as a spouse, children, parents, and siblings.

Permanent Residency


If you are afraid to return to your home country for any reason, I can help. Asylum is a process that provides protection from persecution based on race, religion, or political affiliation.


If you or your loved one was picked up by ICE, or is already facing deportation, I can help. Deportation is not automatic. There are often ways to delay or cancel deportation.

Consular Matters

Assisting those who are overseas and desire to immigrate to the United States. These individuals must receive approval through a consulate or embassy.

I am continually inspired by the individuals I work with.

Located in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and having family members who are immigrants, I know how challenging the immigration process can be. I am determined to help my clients navigate the immigration system and achieve their desired result.

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